Revving Up Your Q1

2021 is going to be another unusual year. Just because economists predict a challenging Q1, it doesn’t mean you should sit back and accept that fate. When the going gets tough, the tough get to work. Here are some ideas to get your business revved up.

2020 was no doubt an unusual year and we all had to pivot quickly to take advantage of the opportunities and threats the pandemic had on the real estate market. 2021 is going to be another unusual year. There is light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine rollout, but it appears that the general public will have to wait until Q3 or Q4 in some areas to get vaccinated. Until then, we will continue to face challenges. I believe Q1 is going to be a slower quarter for most agents this year for a number of reasons:

  • Extremely low inventory
  • Housing affordability
  • Slow rollout of vaccines
  • High unemployment numbers
  • 1 in 6 small businesses are threatened

I was speaking with a president of a large real estate company in Colorado this week. He said that despite the challenging market, his agents were finding success with three strategies to drive business:

1.  Social Media

2.  Print Marketing

3.  Phone Prospecting

You may be asking yourself why “online leads” was not on the list of top three prospecting methods. The conversion rate on online leads can be <1%. Most agents don’t have the budgets, tenacity, and mental toughness to deal with that much rejection.

Here are some tips to help with these 3 recommended prospecting methods for Q1:

Social Media

First key is frequency. Social media is a non-invasive way to stay connected with your sphere. You should be posting something interesting every day. If you post too often, people will ignore you. If you don’t post often enough, people will forget you.

Second key is content. Original content is the best, but if you can’t think of something unique to post, you can always find interesting articles that others have posted and share them. Here is the question though? What are your followers most interested in? Unless you share content they find interesting, they will ignore it.

Third key is interaction. It is not enough to use your social media as a one-way message board to promote your listings. Social media is about being social. Every morning you should read what others are posting and comment on their posts. They will feel a stronger connection to you if they see you engaging with them, rather than just promoting yourself.

Fourth key is investment. Being on social media is free (except for the time investment). However, if you don’t pay to play, your posts won’t get seen by very many people. Adding as little as $20 to boost a post can put you in front of hundreds more eyeballs. If you invest the time to write great content then invest the money to get it seen by as many people as possible.

Direct Mail

This has me perplexed. Direct mail is such a great marketing tool, especially during a pandemic when we can’t get together with people, yet very few agents do it well (if at all). In the past year, I have only received four marketing pieces from agents. Houses have sold on my street, yet I have not received one Just Listed or Just Sold card. I live in a sought-after neighborhood in my city, yet no agents are marketing here. I realize print marketing is an investment, but done right, it can be powerful to generate leads in your chosen market.

First key is choosing the right target market. Most agents choose too large an area to market to, they quickly run out of money before they see their marketing take effect and they quit. I recommend starting with a geo farm of about 500 homes. The area should have a turnover rate of at least 8% annually (e.g. 500 homes x 8% = 40 sales annually). I prefer bread-and-butter properties (mid-price range) because they sell as fast as you put up a for sale sign. Choosing the right target market is the most important step in a successful direct mail campaign.

Second key is choosing the right message. Who lives in your target market? Renters? Young families? Baby boomers? The people you market to have unique needs. If you send a general “do you want to sell?” message, it will hit the recycling bin before people read it. Your mail pieces need a HOOK. What can you say that will stop people in their tracks and make them want to call you? Even more important than the words are the images you use. What picture can you put on your postcard that immediately grabs someone’s attention to make them want to see what you have to say?

The third key is patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your reputation isn’t built overnight. Selling a house is a huge decision. Hiring the right real estate agent can impact a family’s finances for years. Massive decisions require massive trust, which is why most people choose a real estate agent based on a referral from friends or family. However, if you send great marketing pieces consistently into an area for months, people will perceive you must be good and that builds trust. Constant contact turns strangers into friends. It may not win you the listing, but it will win you a seat at the table. Remember, you are sowing seeds today to harvest tomorrow.

Phone Prospecting

You will see a significant increase in your print marketing conversions if you follow up your mail pieces with phone calls. Phone prospecting can be used without a corresponding mail campaign, but the phone calls will be friendlier if homeowners recognize you when you call.

First key is to practice your scripts. During the pandemic, phone prospecting is your most effective and least expensive prospecting tool. Many agents avoid it because they don’t like the rejection, they don’t like being challenged and not having the answers, yet they don’t put in the necessary work to study the scripts. To be good at phone prospecting, you can’t wing it. You must have a good reason for calling, such as:

We have buyers for your neighborhood. They missed out on the one that just sold
around the corner from you.
There were multiple offers and it sold above asking.
With sellers getting a premium for their homes right now, have you thought about selling?

Second key is to ask a lot of questions. If the homeowner says they are not interested in selling, most agents don’t know what to do with that, so they end the call. Great salespeople are inquisitive. People in North America are programmed to say no to marketing calls. That is why you should open the conversation with a straight question “Do you want to sell your house?”. Expect a no and then you can wrap around to giving them your reason for calling (e.g., we have buyers for your neighborhood). If they hesitate, then ask open ended questions. One of the best questions I like is “Let’s pretend … if you could change one thing about your house, what would that be?” Everyone wants to change something, and by saying “let’s pretend” it allows them to safely explore their wish list without committing to anything.

Third key is to know your target market. A prospect’s opinion of you will go up when they can see you intimately understand their neighborhood. When they ask you about recent sales, you know everything about them. When they ask what similar properties sell for in their neighborhood, you have the answer. When they ask how long it typically takes to sell, you have the answer. Not an “I think” answer, but an “I know” answer. I was recently talking to my sister-in-law and she said that often she knows more about our local real estate market than agents do. That should never happen! I mentioned before that agents are reluctant to make prospecting calls because they don’t like being challenged and not having the answers. If you do your homework before you call, you will have the answers they need and your confidence will go up. People buy confidence. When you know what you are talking about you are not a telemarketer, you are a local expert bringing a valuable service to them.

The first quarter of 2021 could be bumpy, but for those agents who prospect for listings every day, you will do well. As I’ve said time and time again, if you work with buyers you will be standing in line. If you work with sellers, you create the lineup. This is the year of the listing!

Chris Leader
Leader’s Edge Training

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