Improve Your Conversations

One of the defining factors for your success is your communication skills. The pandemic has created a lot of anxiety for people, and it is coming out in how we talk to each other. Being able to diffuse tense conversations is critical in sales.

Over the past 18 months, the pandemic has caused tremendous stress and anxiety for most people. Think about conversations you’ve had with friends, family and colleagues this past week. It seems like everyone is on edge and even the smallest disagreements can turn into full-blown arguments at a moment’s notice. Even people who didn’t lose their jobs and seem relatively unaffected by the pandemic are carrying more anxiety than normal. Being locked in, having our freedom of choice challenged, and the lack of control people feel is bubbling to the surface. Knowing this, there has never been a more important time to elevate your communication to alleviate confrontations with clients.


Let me give you six tips to improve your communication with clients that will have a profound impact on your relationships and revenue.



You need to get ahead of problems, not behind them. When you ignore a small problem, it grows into a big problem. The best time to fix a problem is before your clients even realize they have one. Most of us shy away from these tough conversations. My recommendation is to deal with problems head on, like ripping off a bandage. But here is the secret… make sure you have a solution before you start the conversation. Clients hire you to solve their problems. Making them aware of a problem and not having a proposed solution will only increase their anxiety. Even better, have two proposed solutions: one preferred and one back up. People like to have choices. It makes them feel like they are in control.



After we’ve been in the business for a while, we see the same problems time and again. They become normal to us. We forget that each problem can be quite concerning for our clients. The essence of empathy is being able to step into their shoes and try to see the issue from their point of view. Throughout the process, make sure you ask how they are feeling and if they are comfortable with everything. This gives them an opportunity to express themselves, and you get insight into their perspective.



Sunshine is the best antiseptic. There are potential potholes on the road to every successful real estate transaction. Your first job it is ensure your clients understand there will bumps along the way but not to worry, this isn’t your first day at the rodeo. If you experience problems that you need help with, you have a network of colleagues and your manager who can step in at a moment’s notice to offer advice. Being transparent means communicating market conditions up front. When you meet with a new buyer, be honest about what properties are typically selling for above list price. Let them know they must be pre-qualified and act quickly or they will lose out on opportunities. If you meet with a new seller, be honest about the fact that they will likely get a great price for their property but finding their next property might be more challenging, so they need a plan A, B and C in place.



You will deliver a better customer experience if you know exactly what your clients want. When you meet with a new buyer or seller, ask a lot of questions to get insight into what motivates them. It is important that you listen carefully to their answers and take copious notes. It will help you narrow the search because you’ll have a sense of what is most important to them. Whenever a client buys or sells a house, they rarely get everything they want, but the more you know about what is important to them, the better you can get them everything on their NEEDS list and most of what is on their WANTS list.



We all have a million things going on in our lives and it is very easy to be distracted. When you are talking to clients, it is important to be IN the conversation with them, not distracted by other things. Clients don’t want all your attention, but they want your undivided attention when you’re with them. To help with this, I have a few suggestions. When you leave the house in the morning, leave your personal problems at home. Promise yourself you will deal with them when you get home, but don’t let them affect your work. Everyone has their own problems; they don’t need to hear about yours. Next, silence your phone when you meet with clients. It indicates that they are important enough that you don’t want to be disturbed. Next, look at people when they talk to you. Much of a conversation is non-verbal and you can’t pick up these cues unless you see them. Lastly, you can’t fight two fires at the same time. In an average day you might have several things blowing up that need your attention. Tackle one at a time. Once that is fixed you can focus on the next one.



Some agents have developed an attitude that they have specific work hours. This is not a 9-5 job. We get paid a premium to be available when our clients need us. That often means nights and weekends. Don’t get upset when a client phones you at 10 PM on a Friday night. Expect it. If the phone doesn’t ring you are pleasantly surprised rather than angry that it does. I realize that working 24/7 can take a toll on you, so you need to set boundaries. I typically would tell my clients that I’m available anytime Monday through Saturday, but Sunday is my family day. They can reach out to me anytime, but I only return calls on Sundays for emergencies. Setting these expectations up front will go a long way to improving client communication.

If you want to learn more about how to improve your communication skills and manage client expectations, check out

Chris Leader
Leader’s Edge Training

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