Communicate with Intent

Communication is more than hearing the words someone uses; it is being able to read someone’s body language, facial expressions, posture, and their choice of words to really understand their motivation. The better you get at your face-to-face communication, the more deals you will close.

Sales is about communication. The biggest mistake in communication is the illusion that it has actually taken place. Often, we assume someone hears what we are saying, but there is a disconnect. If you want to close more deals and have happier clients, you need to be an exceptional communicator.

Here are ten tips to help you better connect with potential clients at a listing or buyer presentation.


When you give a prospect something (like a warm cup of coffee) they have a ingrained desire to want to give something back (their time and attention). The next time you meet prospects at your office, offer them a coffee or tea before you start your presentation. If you are meeting prospects at their house, bring over coffee, cake, and/or flowers. This small gesture warms the atmosphere and sets you up for success.


This doesn’t mean you must be bilingual. It means you need to two switch up your language between logic (market stats, pie charts, bar graphs) and emotion (how exciting the move will be). If you are speaking to a couple, one is likely logical, and the other is likely emotional. Let’s pretend you are delivering your listing presentation and you are talking about market stats to back up your pricing strategy. If you notice you are losing their attention, quickly switch to something that will engage them on an emotional level, like how much fun it will be to live in the heart of the city with everything within walking distance, or how a bigger backyard will be amazing for family staycations. Exceptional salespeople read the room. If they see they are losing someone’s attention, they switch it up.


Men are usually visual communicators and women are typically auditory communicators (there is science behind this). To ensure you are connecting with both types, you need to use great visuals (a dynamic digital presentation) to support your conversation.


People don’t like being sold, but they like to buy. The secret to closing more sales is to figure out WHY someone wants to make a move. What is most important to them? Once you know that, you can tailor your presentation to highlight the features and strategies that most closely align to what they want. They will think you are the perfect fit.


Carefully listen the words people use. If they are visual, they will “see” things. If they are auditory, they will “hear” things. If they are kinesthetic, they will “feel” things. Most of us were taught to paraphrase what someone says, so they know we’ve heard and understood them. A more powerful technique is to parrot phrase what someone says. Instead of putting what they’ve said into your own words and repeating it back to them, use the exact words they used. For example, if someone says, “I feel like things are moving too quickly.” You should respond with “I understand you feel like things are moving too quickly, but in this market if we don’t move fast we’ll miss out on the perfect house.”


Similarities quickly build trust. People like to do business with people who are like them. You’ve heard the saying “birds of a feather flock together.” Take cues from their wardrobe, jewelry, and vocabulary. Quickly try to find things in common. Perhaps you both like to golf, or travel, or you both have kids. The sooner you find something you have in common, the faster you will build bonds.


When you are sitting with a prospect, mimic their actions. If they sit forward, you should sit forward. If they lean back, you should lean back. Don’t make it obvious, but by mirroring their body language it subconsciously puts them at ease.


Don’t be on autopilot. When you meet with a couple, you must quickly determine who the decision maker is. Look for confirmation glances to see who the dominant person in the relationship is. It may not be the person doing all the talking. If one person tends to look at the other for confirmation after they say something, you know who ultimately makes the decisions.


It is an indication of interest. If someone is slouching, it indicates you are losing their attention. If someone leans forward, it means they are interested in what you are saying. A trick to get them to lean forward is to put something on the table that you want them to review (e.g. marketing materials) but place it far enough away from them that they must lean forward to see what you are showing them. Once they lean forward, they are engaged again.


Be on the lookout for questions that are designed to trip you up, giving the prospect permission to say “no”. Be prepared by memorizing educated responses to common objections. Having prepared responses boosts your confidence.

In sales, the better you communicate, the more money you will make. This week I want you to practice some of these tips on your family and friends. When you are in a conversation, REALLY listen to the words they use to decide if they are visual, auditory or kinesthetic communicators. Conversations are like chess games. Learn to be exceptional at the game and you will win more often.

If you want more information how to be an exceptional communicator, please visit

Chris Leader
Leader’s Edge Training

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